Webinar: Inclusive Classroom Language
- Webcasts
- 19 Dec 2022
Every teacher needs to know how to meet the needs of complex and vulnerable learners in their classrooms. Aimed at mainstream teachers, this series of six webinars is designed to gradually build on and develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours that teachers increasingly need to teach children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) within a whole class setting.
In this fourth session of the series, participants explore strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to support children with speech, language and communication needs. Participants learn how to create a ‘communication friendly’ environment, explore ideas of how to introduce new vocabulary to children, and learn strategies for supporting children with speech sound difficulties.
Recordings of the previous webinars in this series can be found below.
Upcoming Webinars:
- Session 5: Teaching Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs - 26th January 2023, 4pm - 5:45pm
- Session 6: Reflective SEND Practice - 23rd February 2023, 4pm - 5:45pm
Suitable for: A parent/carer, Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Early Years Practitioner, Education psychologist, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, Other, SENCO, Senior Leader, Student, Support staff, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Young person
Other webinars in the series

Webinar - SEND - Legacy of Leadership
- Webcasts
- 16 Mar 2023
In the final session in this series of three, we reflect on SEND at a strategic and executive level, in our sense-making and decision-making.

Webinar: Reflective SEND Practice
- Webcasts
- 16 Mar 2023
In the final session in this series of six, we explore how to be a reflective classroom teacher for SEND.

Webinar: Distributed Leadership of SEND
- Webcasts
- 31 Jan 2023
In the second session in this series of three, we explore deeper the vital role that consistent sense-making and decision-making plays in setting children and young people up for life outside and beyond school.

Webinar: Teaching Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
- Webcasts
- 31 Jan 2023
In the fifth session in this series of six, we explores strategies that can be implemented in the classroom to support children who consistently present with disruptive or withdrawn behaviour.