Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential.
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Discover the latest upcoming CPD webinars and live online discussion sessions delivered by Whole School SEND. We offer CPD on a wide range of topics, hosted by our regional lead teams and a range of guest speakers from the world of education. All our CPD is fully funded by the Department for Education and free to attend.
View all upcoming CPD
DfE funded resources, support and CPDL opportunities available to schools and further education settings to support us in our mission to improve preparation for adulthood from the earliest years all the way through education, in a seamless, joined up way.
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The Whole School SEND consortium regularly publishes resources to support you with all aspects of SEND. These include our SEND Review Guides and Frameworks, leaflets for parents, practical resources to support your work in educational settings, resources for specific contexts such as CPDL webinar recordings and more.
View our resources
Whole School SEND is a community made up of our consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential through networking and development.
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