Webinar: Teaching for Mastery in Maths
This webinar will provide an introduction to how a Teaching for Mastery approach can foster learning for all students. We will also discuss simple adaptations that can support learners with SEND or those at risk of developing math difficulties. This session will be delivered by specialists from London South West Maths Hub and NCETM with support from the SESLON regional Team.
Building on the London South West Maths Hub’s Work Group “A graduated approach to supporting maths difficulties”, we will look at the key potential barriers to learning, based on recent research, and explore how this translates into practice using Teaching for Mastery in the Primary and Secondary phases.
Culminating in a panel discussion, participants will have opportunities to ask questions.
To reflect on current research in Teaching for Mastery in Maths and its application in your setting for pupils with SEND.
To consider what is required to secure successful, strategic leadership for Teaching for Mastery for SEND learners.
Desired outcomes
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