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Webinar: Understanding and Identifying Areas of Need

  • Webcasts
  • 07 Oct 2020
WSS past event

This is the first of a series of five webinars from LLSENDCiC aiming to provide additional support to new-in-post SENCOs. The series will outline key elements of the SENCO role in this unique context.

This webinar, presented by Lynda Kay, will present key information about the four areas of need in the code of practice and will address frequently asked questions from new SENCOs, including:

  • What are the areas of need and how do I identify them?
  • How do I use the different forms of assessment to support identification of SEN?
  • How do I support colleagues with assessment and identification of SEN?
  • How do I involve parents and pupils in the assessment and identification process?
  • What is involved in an effective school system for identification of SEN?

Suitable for: SENCO

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Lynda Kay

Lynda is Joint Course Leader of the Masters in Education Portfolio of courses and the National SENCO Award at the University of Gloucestershire and Vice-Chair of Directors of LLSENDCiC, which oversees the Quality Standards of the NASENCO Award for 33 providers across England. Prior to this Lynda worked as a SENCO, Primary School Class Teacher and member of SLT in the south west of England. She has also worked as an Advisory Teacher for children and young people with Communication and Interaction needs in a county in the South West of England. She recently co-authored (with Tristan Middleton) ‘Using an Inclusive Approach to reduce School Exclusion’ published by Routledge and nasen.

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