Jane Sharp
Jane Sharp began her career in education as a science teacher before training to become a Qualified Teacher for Vision Impairment. She has worked as a QTVI for 20 years, both in a secondary resource base and as a peripatetic teacher in mainstream schools. Assistive technology, with its potential to enable children and young people to become independent learners, is an area of special interest and she regularly delivers training on this topic for VI education organisations.
Jane is currently chair of VIEW, the professional association for the vision impairment education workforce, whose aim is to support professionals to support the children and young people with VI that they work with.
Teresa Quail
Teresa Quail is a Qualified Teacher of the Deaf and Educational Audiologist. She works part-time as a co-National Executive Officer and Magazine Editor with the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD). BATOD is the sole professional association for Teachers of the Deaf in the UK. The Association represents the interests of Teachers of the Deaf and the children and young people they teach with a range of Government and other agencies. The Association supports Teachers of the Deaf and organises CPD courses and national and regional meetings to provide relevant up-to-date information and to disseminate good practice.
Teresa was the Head of the Specialist Teaching Service in a local authority in England maintaining an active caseload across the 0-25 age range. During the pandemic she worked part-time in a secondary school resource base in England. She will soon be commencing a peripatetic QToD role in Northern Ireland.
Hannah Brown
Hannah is a pdnet Champion, active member of pdnet Midlands’s regional group, and, Advisory Teacher for Physical Disability, 0-25 years. She has over 30 years of experience of mainstream and special education sectors as a SENCO, Teacher, Conductive Educator and Advisory Teacher. Passionate about successful inclusion, she has contributed to work streams at a local, county, regional and national level to develop policy, practice and training which contributes to better outcomes for CYP with physical disability. Hannah is also experienced in working closely with others (e.g. learners, parents, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists) to upskill school staff and build their confidence so that children and young people with PD who use assistive technology are well supported in school.
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