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Webinar: Beyond the School Gates: Exploring Opportunity and Aspiration into FE and Beyond

  • Webcasts
  • 20 Jan 2022
WSS past event

The webinar series explores aspiration, provision and opportunities from KS4 through to FE and beyond. Professionals, families and learners themselves illuminate our sessions with their authentic experience and journey through education. The series features guest speakers from ETF and DFN Project Search, and considers curriculum, PfA and long term outcomes, transitions and connectivity across the system to best support students and families.

Part 1: Beyond the School Gates: Exploring Opportunity and Aspiration into FE and Beyond

Part 2: Better Together: Co-creation of Aspirational Curriculum Pathways

Part 3: Pilots not Passengers: Liberating Learner and Family Voice


Suitable for: SENCO, Teacher

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If you watched the recording and would like to give feedback, please click here.

If you attended the session live and would like to give feedback, please click here.