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A teacher and four students all looking at a laptop in a classroom setting

Webinar: Their future in our hands – Navigating school to career transitions: A webinar for Primary, Secondary and College Educators Part 1

  • Webcasts
  • 21 Mar 2024
WSS past event

This webinar will introduce the topic of employment is everyone’s business and how staff across all schools play a pivotal part in a person’s employment journey, from sowing the seed at a young age that employment is for everyone to supporting people into careers.


  • What the data tells us about employment
  • Why employment should be for all
  • The key health benefits of employment
  • Other major benefits of being in employment
  • The key principles of supported employment
  • The school’s role in supporting a young person in their employment journey and how this aligns to Ofsted requirements

Desired outcomes:

  • Understanding of why employment should be for everyone.
  • Understanding of how school and staff play a pivotal role in the young person’s employment journey.
  • How employment-related activities fit with Ofsted requirements.

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Meet your trainer

Chief Executive Officer of DFN Project SEARCH, and DFN Foundation, Claire is an experienced senior leader and public speaker with an extensive background in education, innovative curriculum design and best practice supported employment. Formally a headteacher of a broad-spectrum special school, Claire now leads this fast growing dynamic charity that seeks to support best practice transition to employment for people with a learning disability and or autism, both nationally and internationally. 
Experienced chair and board member, Claire is currently a Trustee of a specialist school with the primary responsibility for safeguarding. Claire also supports many national workstreams around evidence-based transition to employment provision.

Claire Cookson

Meet your trainer

Operations Manager for British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) and Inclusive Trading CIC.

Nerise has worked in supported employment for over 25 years, across a wide range of services. Nerise is committed to ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunity of employment and developing their careers.  Prior to this role, Nerise has been an Associate of BASE providing all quality assurance and was pivotal to the development of the Supported Employment Quality Framework. Nerise is strongly passionate about quality assurance and leads the work across BASE and Inclusive Trading to drive quality across employment pathways and workforce development.

Nerise Oldfield-Thompson

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