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An update for nasen members - further guidance for key workers


An update for nasen members

The government has now published the full list of key workers with further guidance and further detail on the forthcoming legislation. You can find full details here, but I have included below some of the key points:

Key Points:

1. It is not a ‘requirement’ that all children and young people with Education, Health and Care plans attend school during the period of closure. Section 1.10 of the information for families is clear that decisions should be made locally based on risk assessments of health and safeguarding. The guidance is now clear that some children will be safer at school (or in their usual educational setting) whilst others will be safer at home. Schools, LAs and colleges are advised to make this decision on a case-by-case basis.

2. The general principle is that children should be at home if it is safe for them to do so.

3. For schools, the list of keyworkers includes teaching staff and any specialist education professionals required for schools remaining open. We understand this to include support staff and therapeutic staff in the broadest sense.

4. The government is making plans (in partnership with LAs) for alternative transport arrangements for children to attend the best educational setting for them if they are attending school (section 1.7 of information for families)

5. The legislation will relax the Children and Families Act in relation to ‘named schools’, but protections around  the nature and level of provision remain.

We will continue to update you as and when we know more.