Positively responding to increasing complexity in our mainstream schools Part 2: How to secure a process-driven approach when considering additional provisions in mainstream schools
- Online
- 17 Jan 2025 (14:00 - 15:30)
This webinar builds on our initial exploration of this theme in Positively responding to increasing complexity in our mainstream schools – collaborative learning opportunities to inform strategic and systemic thinking. We will move our thinking forward by:
- considering research that is being undertaken currently in the sector
- how to apply inquiry-based approaches to ensure any provision is underpinned by the assess-plan-do-review cycle and effective implementation planning
- engaging with case studies and dialogue about how taking these approaches enables a process-driven approach
- considering a framework with a focus on ambition that prepares our learners for their next stage of education and beyond.
Speakers on this webinar will include Emma Simpson (Senior Researcher at The Difference); Margaret Mulholland (ASCL SEND and Inclusion Specialist); Cheryl Gaughan (Strategic Lead for SEND and Inclusion across JMAT); Danny Sweatman (Lead Practitioner for Inclusion and Safeguarding); Amy Shaw (JMAT schools); Charlotte Jordan (Head of Inclusion at John Wilmott School)
- To contextualise the discussion about additional provisions within the national landscape
- To understand the implications for practice of the ongoing research in this area
- To understand how inquiry-based approaches and process-driven frameworks support school’s strategic-decision making with a focus on ambition for all pupils
- To explore frameworks that support schools in considering and planning for additional provisions, including those that are not commissioned by a local authority
The webinar will continue our dialogue around ‘additional provision’.
Participants will have a more secure understanding of:
- The current context including ongoing research
- Inquiry-based approaches to ensure that decision-making at every point in the process is evidence-informed and positively impacts pupils’ learning
- Frameworks that can be applied to assist exploration and decision-making so as to maximise the benefits and mitigate the risks to pupils’ learning
- How to build on collaborative partnerships to promote solutions-focused approaches that drive high quality provision
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Teacher, Senior Leader

Meet your trainer
Emma Simpson
Emma Simpson has worked in education for 27 years, as a teacher, leader, consultant and researcher. Her work has mostly been in inner London schools and has prompted an increasing interest in and commitment to issues of social equality. She joined The Difference (education charity which promotes inclusive practices) in 2023 as the Senior Research Manager. Over the last year she has been conducting research into Internal Alternative Provision in order to establish the range of approaches being taken by schools and what strong practice looks like.

Meet your trainer
Margaret Mulholland
Margaret Mulholland is a specialist in inclusivity and Special Educational Needs. She is advisor on SEND policy for the Association of School and College Leaders and Whole School SEND Project Director leading an evaluation for the Education Endowment Foundation.
A leading advocate for the role SEND settings play in improving understanding of inclusive teaching and learning, Margaret brings over 20 years experience in ITT innovation and practice. She spent seven years as Director of Development & Research at a leading Special School and thirteen years at the Institute of Education, where she was responsible for innovative employment based routes to QTS, PGCE secondary partnerships and a Challenge Partners school leadership programme. Margaret sits on the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers, is an advisor to the UK Government on ITT curriculum development and works with local authorities as an external advisor for NQTs, ITT and leadership development. She is also writes a column on research and inclusivity for the Times Educational Supplement.

Meet your trainer
Cheryl Gaughan
I have been the strategic lead for SEND and Inclusion across the James Montgomery Academy Trust for the past 2 years which has 20 mainstream primary schools, 2 with LA resource provisions and 2 MAT funded resource provisions. I taught in a mainstream primary school for 7 and half years before moving to a secondary special school where I became assistant head and Head of Fusion SEND Hub for 15 years. During this time, I was seconded by Sheffield Local Authority one day a week to be a Citywide SENDCo for SEND across Sheffield to support mainstream, specialist and Integrated Resources.
I am the DfE local lead for the Engagement Model and work with 2 teaching school hubs to develop the ECF SEND materials for ECTs, NPQSEN and NPQLT materials and facilitate on each of these. I am a member of the National Network of Specialist Provision, a trustee of the Equals charity and a member of the advisory board for Evidence for Learning. I work with each of these groups to develop and create materials for children with SEND and support the development of networks between both specialist and mainstream colleagues.

Meet your trainer
Danny Sweatman
Danny Sweatman is Lead Practitioner for Inclusion and Safeguarding, SENCo and Head of Nurture at Aylsham High School – a genuinely inclusive mainstream secondary school in Norfolk. Following three years of teaching in a primary school in Kent, Danny moved to Aylsham to take on the role of re-engaging KS3 students who had a range of complexities that prevented them from fully accessing education. Now into his 19th year of teaching, Danny and his colleagues at Aylsham have developed an award-winning Nurture provision that provides an inclusive and aspiring pathway for vulnerable students, removing barriers to learning and ensuring that their academic, social and emotional needs are met. Danny was awarded with ‘Teacher of the Year 2023’ in the Norfolk Education Awards and is a real advocate for promoting inclusion, making mainstream schools a place where all students can flourish.

Meet your trainer
Amy Shaw

Meet your trainer
Charlotte Jordan

Meet your trainer
Amelie Thompson
Amelie Thompson has worked in education for over 20 years, including 12 years as a senior leader and headteacher. She now works at Greenshaw Learning Trust as Assistant Director of Education - SEND. She is also the regional lead with Whole School SEND for South East England and South London (SESLON) region and lead author of the Teacher Handbook: SEND. Amelie has a keen interest in how we, as leaders, build systems and create environments that enable ‘every teacher to be a teacher of SEND’ – driven by leadership that builds inclusivity into all aspects of school practice. As a school leader, she challenges herself to consistently reflect on the operational implications and implementation of this strategic vision and is strongly committed to cross-phase and cross-sector collaboration to achieve this.

Meet your trainer
Clare Belli
Clare is Head of Southampton Inclusion Partnership and Outreach Service, based at Springwell Special School in Southampton. She holds an MSc in Specific Learning Difficulties from the University of Southampton and an MA Ed in Special Needs and Inclusion from the University of Winchester. Clare is also Director of SEND for the HISP Learning Partnership and provides coaching, training and strategic support for SEND improvement across a range of schools within and beyond Southampton.
Clare is the Deputy Regional SEND Lead for South East England and South London (SESLON) region.

Meet your trainer
Tina Harvey OBE
Until July 2023, Tina was the Head of an Outstanding all age special school for children and young people with severe and profound learning difficulties including those with an additional diagnosis of autism. Tina held this post for over 30 years, during which time the school expanded its roll by 90%.
Tina trained at Birmingham University and holds a Master’s Degree in Childhood Autism, and has spent all of her career working within the special education field. Tina was a National Leader of Education until her retirement from Headship. Tina continues to work as a member of the South East South London Regional SEND team for Whole School SEND (nasen). Aside from Special Educational Needs, Tina's particular interests are school improvement including ethical leadership and leadership development at all levels including governance. Tina firmly believes in the power of coaching as a supportive professional development tool for colleagues.
Tina is the Deputy Regional SEND Lead for South East England and South London (SESLON) region.