How to ensure balance between the role of SENCO and personal wellbeing.
- Online
- 08 Nov 2023 (16:00 - 17:00)
This webinar will have a strong focus on enhancing SENCO wellbeing by managing workload and leading through influence. Delivered by Jean Gross, Rebecca Gonyora and Erica Wolstenholme.
The webinar will aims to:
To highlight the importance of using available resources and tools to manage workload with wellbeing.
To share systems and processes which enable an individual in the role of SENCO to maintain the above.
To give examples of how leading through influence could support SENCO wellbeing.
By the end of this webinar we hope that delegates will:
Understand the importance of maintaining their own well-being to fulfil the requirements of the role.
Identify processes and systems that can support the above and enable SENCOs to carry out their role with confidence.
Use effective leadership tools to be better able to manage their wellbeing.
Understand how planned distributed leadership influences positive mental health and can benefit all.
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Governor, Head Teacher, Inclusion Manager/Leader, SENCO, Senior Leader

Meet your trainer
Rebecca Gonyora
Deputy Regional SEND Lead
Rebecca has more than 15 years’ experience working as a senior school Leader, Deputy Head teacher (Head of Start-up School), Assistant head teacher and a SENCO in several inner city schools. Her areas of expertise include SEND, SEND legislation, creating an inclusive classroom/ quality first teaching, inclusion, SEMH (including ADHD) and Emotional related school refusal (attendance). She holds a Master’s Degree in Education focusing on SEND and Autism Spectrum Conditions. At the heart of it all, she is an outstanding English teacher. Rebecca is a qualified SENCO and registered with British Psychologist society (CCET3).
Her current position is Director of Inclusion for Every Child, Every Day Multi Academy Trust. Her role includes supporting and working in collaboration with Head teachers, senior leaders and SENCO’s in developing a person centred approach to inclusion. She also works as a School improvement partner for schools in her Trust and outside the Trust as directed by her CEO. Her philosophy is centred on the understanding that every teacher is a teacher of SEND and every leader is a leader of SEND.

Meet your trainer
Jean Gross
Jean is a national expert on special educational needs and disadvantage. She is the author of numerous articles and best-selling books on inclusion, including Beating Bureaucracy in SEND (4th edition, 2023), Time to Talk (2017) and Reaching the Unseen Children: practical strategies to close stubborn attainment gaps in disadvantaged groups (2021).
Jean has been a teacher, an educational psychologist and head of children’s services in a local authority. She was formerly government Communication Champion for children; before this she headed the Every Child a Reader and Every Child Counts one-to-one tuition programmes, and led on inclusion within the government’s National Strategies. She was awarded a CBE for services to education in 2011.

Meet your trainer
Erica Wolstenholme
Erica is a National Coordinator for Whole School SEND. She has extensive experience leading on SEND in mainstream schools and multi academy trusts. She began her career as an English teacher before becoming a SENCO. As well as her work for Whole School SEND, she supports several multi academy trusts. She is an experienced SEND and MAT reviewer and acts as an associate consultant for nasen.