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Whole School SEND logo [grey text that reads Whole School and teal text that reads SEND]

Your SEND CPD Passport

  • General
  • 05 Sep 2024

Carving out time from your busy school/college day for continuing professional development (CPD) is essential.

A first class CPD journey will help you move towards deeper knowledge, improved skills and increased confidence.

But how can you be sure that the CPD you chose will get you to where you want to be?

Universal SEND Services is an ambitious programme, funded until 2025 by the Department for Education. It is delivered by nasen through Whole School SEND and in 
partnership with the Education and Training Foundation and the Autism Education Trust. 

It provides practitioners with a range of learning journeys - from Short Hops to Round the World - to suit every role and career stage.

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Whole School SEND logo [grey text that reads Whole School and teal text that reads SEND]

Your SEND CPD Passport

  • General
  • 05 Sep 2024

A first class CPD journey will help you move towards deeper knowledge, improved skills and increased confidence.

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Teacher Handbook: SEND

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