Rebecca Jones
Becky is an Executive Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Lead across 5 Primary Schools in Oxfordshire run by the Multi-Academy Trust GLF Schools. She has previously held positions as Headteacher of Ambitious about Autism’s Treehouse School in North London and as Acting SENCO in a large secondary comprehensive. Becky holds Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and completed an MSc in Psychology of Education at the Institute of Education, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Applied Behaviour Analysis at Bangor University and holds the NASENCO Award through Oxford Brookes University. She is a Specialist Leader in Education in the area of SEND. In her role as SEN Improvement Lead across GLF Schools, Becky currently leads the GLF Primary SENCO Network, facilitating exchanges of good practice between schools across the MAT. Becky has experience of designing and implementing SEND-specialist CPD programmes and developed a Teaching and Learning Policy based around current research on Cognitive Load Therapy. Becky has a sound knowledge of SEND practice, policies and research and is dedicated to improving education for children and young people with SEND.
Jess Beasley
Jess began working at Mabel Prichard School in September 2019 and has recently taken on the role of Assistant Headteacher. Jess started my teaching career in mainstream primary schools before working at an SEN school in Newbury for 4 years. During this time she developed particular interests in supporting children's communication and creating meaningful and real learning opportunities through play.
Philippa Stobbs
Philippa is the resident expert on disability and special educational needs for CDC, leading their work on education and equality and oversees the Special Educational Consortium. Over the last 30 years she has played an integral role in crafting, challenging and championing education policy through her various roles both in the public and voluntary sector. She has held a wide range of responsibilities and has seen education from every angle, working with children, families, teachers, local authorities, national government, a wide range of voluntary organisations and with Parliament.
Council for Disabled Children (CDC)
CDC is part of the Whole School SEND Consortium. They are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers.
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