Universally Useful SEND CPD
Universal SEND Services is an ambitious programme providing continuing professional development (CPD) so that more children and young people have their needs identified and met effectively, resulting in successful learning in schools and further education settings, and leading to improved Preparation for Adulthood, including pathways to employment.
We know that confidence around SEND is often lacking at a time when need is increasing and budgets are stretched. Because of that we feel a real responsibility to work with all leaders in teacher training and professional development to help make sure that every setting and every practitioner knows about this support.
The cornerstone of the programme - and a must-do for anyone who works with young learners - is a series of 20 online SEND CPD units exploring some of the most commonly observed barriers to learning in classrooms and other learning environments regardless of age, label or area of need. Developed in partnership with leading specialists from the sector the units provide clear guidance on adaptations to help meet the needs of all learners.
If the practitioners you work with do nothing else, please encourage them to complete these units. Why? Because...
- They are free to access and quality assured by the Department for Education
- They are suitable for the whole education workforce, whatever their role or career stage
- Each one can be completed in under an hour - in one go or in several sittings
- 99% of practitioners say they have incorporated learnings from the units into their daily practice.
Below, you'll find a range of downloadables to help you share information about the programme with your settings. From pdf calendars to content for newsletters and links for social media, we've tried to think of what's most useful for you.
If there's something missing, please email me (mariacarney@nasen.org.uk) and I will be delighted to see how I can help!