Webinar: Governor Accountability for Securing High-Quality Outcomes for Learners with SEND
In this webinar aimed specifically at governors, Katherine Walsh, Regional SEND Leader for South Central England and North West London, will present on how governors can help secure good outcomes for pupils with SEND.
The presentation covers:
- What does it mean to have a special educational need or disability?
- What are the types of SEND, as defined in the SEND Code of Practice? - What is the role of the governing body in monitoring the effectiveness of provision for students with SEND?
- How can the governing body support the Headteacher and SENDCo to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010)?
- How can governors support the well-being of the SENDCo?
This webinar will also feature a Q&A portion with Katherine and representatives from Ealing Local Authority. Although useful for all practitioners, this webinar was aimed primarily at those in the South Central England and North West London region.