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Julie Pointer

Meet your trainer

Julie Pointer

Julie is a qualified social worker who has worked to improve opportunities for disabled people for many years. She has worked in a number of local authorities, and started her career in social care working for the Inner London Education Authority as a "Residential Houseparent!"

Julie was on a secondment from Surrey County Council for 2 days a week to support the Preparing for Adulthood Team with its work, and successfully gained a full-time post with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) as the Delivery Manager for the programme in April 2015.

Her particular passion is how we ensure disabled young people have the same opportunities as their non-disabled peers. She has worked in the field of "Transition" for around 20 years and worked on the National Transition Support Programme, and Aspirations for Life as a consultant with Paradigm.

Julie believes that person centred approaches provide the key to ensuring disabled young people and their families are central to any plans for their future, and that the best services are those that are designed by those who are going to use them.