Maximising Teaching Assistant Impact: Insights and Strategies from the Education Endowment Foundation
- Online
- 18 Mar 2025 (15:30 - 17:00)
This session will explore the latest evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation on the Effective training and deployment of Teaching Assistants. Drawing on the EEF's Teaching and Learning Toolkit, TA Guidance Report and work with schools, participants will delve into the key messages on how to maximise TA impact as well key considerations regarding the effective implementation of these approaches.
Please note: This is a session for those with whole school responsibility for Teaching & Learning and/or TA Deployment
Featuring Lorwyn Randall: Lorwyn joined the EEF in September 2019 having led Devon Research School (formally Kingsbridge) from 2016. He has twelve years teaching and school leadership experience, during which time he completed a Masters in Education Research at Exeter University focussing on dialogic teaching and led an EEF cognitive science pilot study on self-testing. Before working in education, Lorwyn spent three years working for Torbay Social Services.
The discussion will be hosted by Whole School SEND’s National Delivery Coordinator Alison Betts.
- Explore and understand the EEF’s evidence-based recommendations for deploying Teaching Assistants
- Consider the role of TAs in supporting pupil learning and how to maximise their impact
- Apply the principles of effective implementation to these approaches
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Consultant, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Teacher, Senior Leader, Governor, Inclusion Manager/Leader, Newly Qualified Teacher, SENCO, Support staff, Teacher

Meet your trainer
Lorwyn Randall
Lorwyn joined the EEF in September 2019 having led Devon Research School (formally Kingsbridge) from 2016. He has twelve years teaching and school leadership experience, during which time he completed a Masters in Education Research at Exeter University focussing on dialogic teaching and led an EEF cognitive science pilot study on self-testing. Before working in education, Lorwyn spent three years working for Torbay Social Services.

Meet your trainer
Alison Betts
Alison has been a teacher for 26 years and is currently Whole School SEND National Coordinator. She has previously been a class teacher, nurture teacher, SENDCO, Head of Chestnut Nursery School, and Head of Inclusion for Exeter Children’s Federation. She has been on the board of trustees at nurtureuk since 2016 and has a passion for improving the education and life chances of children from a background of deprivation. Her interest in children affected by social, emotional and/or mental health issues encouraged her to become a Specialist Leader in Education for the Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance. Through this role she helps lead the Professional Community for SEND for South West Institute for Teaching (SWIFT). This community works to support schools identifying and meeting children’s needs and so reduce permanent exclusions across schools in the Southwest. She aims to keep the well-being of children at the heart of everything she does.